A lesson from the life of Samson. Image Courtesy: The story of Samson is the story of a proper modern-day fantasy action movie hero. A man born with unassailable strength and considerable wit. A man with everything one may physically desire. Sadly, though his story has an unexpected turn, a twist so to speak, which in turn leads to the grand finale of a short life. There is only down side to this assumption though. The hero of this story is not Samson, it is God. Samson was the vessel God chose for His grand work. The story of this man began in the land of Israel, back when the nation was under the oppression of the Philistines. The people were ruled by Judges, who came up as circumstances required and represented God’s leadership before Israel. These Judges were effective during the period of their rule but were fallible men who more often than not failed to lead Israel back into the truth of God. Despite their valiant dee...