

  A lesson from the life of Samson. Image Courtesy: The story of Samson is the story of a proper modern-day fantasy action movie hero. A man born with unassailable strength and considerable wit. A man with everything one may physically desire. Sadly, though his story has an unexpected turn, a twist so to speak, which in turn leads to the grand finale of a short life. There is only down side to this assumption though. The hero of this story is not Samson, it is God. Samson was the vessel God chose for His grand work.      The story of this man began in the land of Israel, back when the nation was under the oppression of the Philistines. The people were ruled by Judges, who came up as circumstances required and represented God’s leadership before Israel. These Judges were effective during the period of their rule but were fallible men who more often than not failed to lead Israel back into the truth of God. Despite their valiant dee...


(A summary of a sermon shared by Mr. Johnson Baby of the Ebenezer Brethren Assembly, RK Puram, New Delhi.) Photo by matthew Feeney on Unsplash In the book of Ezekiel 47 the prophet continues to see a vision of the millennial kingdom. In this vision, he is accompanied by a man who is never named or described.  This man guides Ezekiel through the vision and here shows him a river that is at the very least (a cursory measurement) a mile or two wide from bank to bank, a river that is gushing out from under the threshold of the house toward the east. A very unique vision that can have various Eschatological interpretations, especially in the light of the New Jerusalem, I would like to look at it from a devotional point of view and link it to our daily Christian experience. Before we begin however, avid students of the Bible would quickly find similarities to the river mentioned in the book of Revelation 22 that flows through the New Jerusalem and that river is seen to begin at the thro...


DIAMONDS….A MYSTERY TO A CREATIONIST?   Photo by wendy at FreeImages Diamonds are incredibly fascinating pieces of carbon rock found on the upper mantle and crust of the earth. It is one of the hardest substances known to man and is known in western society by the phrase, “A woman’s best friend” owing to its over-hyped, cinema promoted use in pre-wedding nuptials and marriage proposals.                  Diamonds are also especially of interest because from the perspective of geology and most mineral sciences they would be termed garbage if it were not for someone who thought of the idea of using it on engagement rings with the conveyed perception that bigger the diamond the more the man loves you.                     However, this carbon-based substance has a wide variety of uses today in various industries owin...


Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash Today is the 21st of June. Today is celebrated as Father's Day. A practice begun in the western hemisphere of the world and today followed by most people across the globe. It is a day earmarked to honour the work and role of fathers in today's society. The greeting most commonly associated with this day is 'Happy Father's Day'. A day when children bring gifts to their father and say thank you for their presence in their life and wish them the best ahead. There are two main parties involved in the celebration of Father's day. The first being the fathers themselves and the second being their children. Today I wish to bring before you my thoughts on the idea of Father's day and what I think it should mean to all of us. My Address to Children: I wish to address the children first. You may be 60 years young or just 15 years old. Irrespective of your age, if you have a father who is alive on this earth then this question is for ...