A lesson from the life of Samson.
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The story of Samson is the story of a proper modern-day fantasy action movie hero. A man born with unassailable strength and considerable wit. A man with everything one may physically desire. Sadly, though his story has an unexpected turn, a twist so to speak, which in turn leads to the grand finale of a short life. There is only down side to this assumption though. The hero of this story is not Samson, it is God. Samson was the vessel God chose for His grand work.
The story of this man began in the land of Israel, back when the nation was under the oppression of the Philistines. The people were ruled by Judges, who came up as circumstances required and represented God’s leadership before Israel. These Judges were effective during the period of their rule but were fallible men who more often than not failed to lead Israel back into the truth of God. Despite their valiant deeds of strength, they were unable to stabilize Israel’s independence as several nations oppressed them during different generations.
It is therefore no surprise that when we begin reading the story of Samson in the record of the Judges chapter 13 verse 1. The verse states that once again the Israelites did evil in the sight of the Lord, so the Lord delivered them into the hands of the Philistines for forty years. The current predicament of Israel that they found themselves in was a period of chastisement from God for having forsaken Him and the laws He had taught them through Moses. This was an outcome of failing to fulfill the commandment of God to completely subdue the land of Canaan. But God still loved them. He cared for them and sought their return. So, He prepared for them the man who would be called Samson.
In the hill country of Zorah that would have been ravished by the Philistines, there was a man from the tribe of Dan named Manoah whose wife was barren. To be barren was a considered a curse in their society as we see often, in the stories of the Old Testament. This was life for Manoah and his wife, a life from whom they prayed everyday for deliverance. God sent an angel to Manoah’s wife who is unnamed in the book and states that she would soon have a son and that he was to be a Nazarite, a boy dedicated to God from the womb. The angel further stated that Samson would begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.
When Manoah learnt of his wife’s encounter with the “man of God”, he prayed that God would send the him again to teach them how to rear the child. Manoah and his wife encounter the “man of God” in answer to his prayer. He told them again the word of instruction imparted to Manoah’s wife on their previous meeting and showed them a sign which revealed that he was God’s angel sent to them.
Moving forward a few months now, we find that the son of promise was finally born. He was named, Shimson which meant “of the sun” or “man of the sun”. The next thing we see is (verse 25 of chapter 13) that God began to move him at times.
God’s way in and through our lives is a mystery to man. This is not strange simply because His wisdom is incomparable to that of man. So also do we find it in the life of Samson. His life more often than not held no rhyme or meaning that could be comprehended even by Samson himself. He was characterized by strength unbound. When the Spirit of God came down upon him, Samson could do supernatural acts of strength. He was able to slay a lion with only his bare hands. He singlehandedly slew a thousand armored Philistine soldiers using just the jawbone of a donkey, that he came across by chance. Well so much for the gifts and strengths of Samson.
Despite his immense strength Samson was found to have a weakness. He began to be led by the cravings of his flesh. He began to desire sexual satisfaction and so, despite being the judge of Israel for 20 years by now, still lusted after a harlot in Gaza and then Delilah of Sorek. His desire was wrong in every sense for it was out of wedlock, with a harlot and then from outside of the population of Israel (Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 3). However, Samson just went about unfettered and heeding his flesh. God however had other plans for Him and we then find Samson seduced and betrayed by Delilah in exchange for silver. The strong man who was feared by all the Philistines, was tamed by the wiles of an ordinary woman and brought down to his knees.
Samson was captured by the Philistines, painfully blinded for life and brought to Gaza bound in fetters of brass. This was a man who could slay a thousand-armed men but he was now a mere prisoner grinding away his days in the Philistine prison. How had things taken such a turn?
Well, Samson had brought this upon Himself when he let his flesh guide him. When he was distracted by the beauty of women, it took him down the road to destruction. Look at the word of Proverbs chapter 7 and especially verse 27. It states that a seductive woman is a highway to the grave, leading to the chambers of death. In the story of Samson, it was literal.
Samson was a great man and was used by God to achieve great things but he failed to make a covenant with his eyes (Job chapter 31 verse 1) and was led by a woman down to his destruction. This is a danger that all among the male gender of humanity face. It is today a danger more real and widespread than ever before in history.
Anthropology, biology and psychiatric research all point to the fact that the male members of the human race are sight bound when it comes to sexual urges and to restrain this is a near impossible ask. However, the Bible is very clear in explicitly stating God’s requirement of men. The ten commandments forbade coveting another man’s wife, the Old Testament forbade fornication and adultery and Jesus when one step further when He said in Mathew chapter 5 verse 27 and 28 that even looking lustfully at woman has committed adultery (i.e., sinned) in his heart. There is no second opinion on this subject since the Bible is absolutely clear on how God sees this.
In the Old Testament, the punishment of adultery is death by stoning. If this was how we dealt with adultery always and if what Jesus said was the law of the land today, men would have likely seized to exist from the face of the earth somewhere during the days of Adam and his first generation. It is but natural for man to be drawn to a woman and attracted to her beauty. It is thus natural for a man to glance at a woman who is beautiful to him. I doubt there is any man on the face of the planet, at any time who can say that he is immune to the draw of the opposite gender. He cannot be, unless he has a specified medical condition because that is how God designed man to be from the beginning. Take a look at Genesis 2:24 which states that a man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife. When a man finds a woman for himself, that shall be the most important relationship he has in all his life. God therefore created man with the capacity to be attracted to a woman. So therefore, why would God make such a commandment when He knows it is impossible for us to follow?
God knows exactly how we men feel. This is not an assumption because of what Hebrews 4:15 states. For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. This means that Jesus underwent this exact temptation himself. Surprised? Well, that is what the Bible states. Some may say that I am now speaking blasphemy but my dear friends, those are the very words of the Bible. He was tempted ‘in all points’ or ‘in every way’ as we are. I doubt it talks just about the temptation by the devil at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. In fact, I believe it states that Jesus experienced every weakness and infirmity we endure in our flesh. He knows what we mean when we say, “I am only human”. This is why the verse states that He is our perfect High Priest because He knows precisely how we feel by experience. He knows therefore, how difficult it is to avoid the temptation of looking at a beautiful woman.
We live in an age and time, when almost everywhere we look we are surrounded by advertisements and images. Most of all that we see today comprises of men and women in seductive poses to draw our attention. Billboards, pamphlets, brochures, movies, serials, news, sports, magazines etc. They are all often covered with such images. This is also an age when pornography is mainstream and available unrestricted in the confines of our home for free. A simple study of the major kind of content consumed by humanity through the numerous devices we own point to pornography being really high on the least, if not the top.
What do you think though? Would you still claim you are unaware of such an inkling or desire within you? I doubt any honest man would be able to claim so. At the risk of being called a misogynist I would like to state that the current fashion trends also do not really help. Let me just clarify by saying that I not in favour of going back to the long dresses or robes that both men and women wore in in times past. However, the trend of clothes worn in public become skimpier and sheer everyday is a scare for people like me. It is already impossible to control the draw of our eyes and to add to that is nothing less than cruelty to us. This is not an excuse for our weakness but a confession of the same. Will you not agree? Some actually state that they find such sheer dresses more comfortable. I accept that I have no clue how women feel wearing such outfits in public and so have a question based on my observation. When a woman wears a small dress and sits on a chair, why does she have a hard time keeping herself presentable? She tries to sit cross legged for a while. Sometimes uses her hand to keep her skirt pressed down, pulls up her top etc. To be fully honest, I even find the very trend of low waist pants among men too difficult to endure with the constant adjustments. So maybe it is just me and I am sure there are much wiser people (than I) on both sides of the argument. In my opinion, clothes are meant to make me feel comfortable, not in my own skin but in the clothes themselves. It ought to alleviate my shame and afford me a basic protection from my environment while yet being relaxing enough to do my daily tasks without strain. A good (I mean decent) dressing sense does present confidence as well.
Anyway, keeping to the topic at hand what I wish to simply point out is that Samson was not a unique case. He was a man like any other, maybe physically stronger (not very sure since he is described as being strong only when the Spirit of God was upon him). He though had greater courage and opportunity to further his desires unlike others in his day, and so stood out from the rest (in a bad way). What he felt in him is exactly what all men feel every day until they die, from the moment when puberty hits. I am told this desire only worsens as a man grows old and progresses into middle age and beyond. If only there was an easy way out.
Sadly, there is none. Samson now learnt the lesson of Proverbs chapter 7 verse 27 down to the very letter when he found himself permanently blinded and weak, hair cut and grinding away in a prison cell. He was the son promised by God to lead Israel and begin their deliverance. He was a judge in Israel for twenty years. He was supposed to be a man of God, led by the Spirit of God, a man who did great things for God and His people. Yet he now lay in a dark, damp and rotten Philistine prison cell like a common criminal doomed to die a cursed death.
Let me ask this, do you see the sad irony when the book of the Judges chapter 16 verse 21 states that when the Philistines took him captive, by order, they put out his eyes first? The lust of his eyes drew him to Gaza and that is what led him to the doors of Delilah. He practiced no control over the desires of his heart and allowed them to lead him. He was led by his eyes down to the doors of destruction. Desire had crippled his senses and caused the Spirit of God to depart from him, taking away the supernatural strength he was gifted.
This is exactly what lies in store for every man among us if we are unable to pay heed to what Jesus said in Mathew chapter 5 verse 28. I do not say this in judgement, for I too am a man, as frail and weak as any other, if not more. This is what the word of God states. How might we be able to escape from this temptation, if there even is a way?
If God gave us a command to not do something, then He promises that He will give us a way out of the temptation. Look at Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13. If only, we knew what exactly Jesus did to avoid this specific temptation. Well, we do not but we do have an account of Jesus being tempted on three aspects by the devil and also other examples such as Joseph.
Genesis chapter 39. Joseph came to Egypt as a slave. He was a slave in the house of Potiphar who was captain of the guard in Pharoah’s army. Joseph found favour in the eyes of his master but his master’s wife had other ideas. She seduced Joseph, much like how Delilah did Samson. Her literal words to Joseph in private were, “Lie with me” in verse 7 and verse 9. What followed had nothing to do with her colour, race or beauty. Joseph said acknowledged his standing in the household, the kindness of his master, the fact that she was his master’s wife and that a deed such as this is wickedness and sin against God. Joseph knew the commandment of God in Genesis of chapter 2 verse 24. A man shall cleave to his wife and the two shall be one flesh. He honored that above all else in this situation. He did not talk about societal perspectives or cultural freedom. He did not discuss. He simply stated what he knew was true and right before God. Potiphar’s wife shamelessly pursued him until finally he chose to dispose of with words and chose to simply flee the scene. He knew that the situation would not be in his favour. He knew Potiphar’s wife would paint him to be the villain of the story. He knew that he might end up having to live out his days in prison. He did not think about any of these things though. He just fled the scene. He fled from something he knew God did not like. He fled from the opportunity to sin. He did not confront it or put a brave front. He fled sin and put up a brave front toward the consequences of this his choice, the right choice.
So, what is the escape route? Begin by seeing sin the way Joseph chose to see it; the way God sees it. Sin is repulsive and reviling to God. Joseph saw sexual temptation the very same way. I am sure, on some level, he too would have desired to give in to the seduction, but no. He continued on steadfast until he just could not and he chose to flee. Flee from sexual immorality. Don’t try to stay and challenge it. Abstain from every opportunity to entertain it. If we allow sin even a toehold at the doorway to our hearts, it will not be long before sin tears the door down and marches in.
I am not qualified to speak further since I am, at the time of writing this, an unmarried young man myself who is yet to acquire the wisdom of life but I state what I learnt from those before me and that I was taught from the word.
- Abstain from every opportunity that may seemingly lead to this temptation. Movies, serials, soft pornography, erotic literature etc. They may seem light hearted and common in our times but can slowly dull one’s senses to the more gruesome side of this sin.
- Avoid the second glance. It maybe natural for a man’s eyes to glance at a beautiful woman. If it is not his wife, then may a man make every effort to avoid a second glance. It maybe that you may even have to leave that room or place too just to keep yourself safe. Remember Joseph. It is better to leave if you are unable to keep yourself in check.
- Remember, she is not yours. As stated before, if the woman is not one’s wife already then she is not yours. This means you are committing adultery right then and there. It has nothing to do with whether you are unmarried or she is unmarried. It is sin.
- If you are of marriageable age and find yourself drawn to a specific woman then look to the word of God when considering the proposition of marriage. This is the only right way. The word of God outlines His expectations from a marriage and how it should be. If you think both you and the girl fit into the requirements of God’s word then bring it before the elders of your congregation and let them help you take the right steps forward.
- Sin is dangerous and deadly. The devil has the face of an angel of light but he is the father of lies. Temptation can be cruelly beautiful but it always masks an ugly reality. Proverbs chapter 7. Keep this in mind when taking every step in life.
- The moment you realize you are in too deep and cannot win, flee. Do not worry about what happens next for God honors those who honor him (The first account of Samuel chapter 2 verse 30).
- Remember, you are the temple of the Holy God (Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians chapter 3 verse 16) and He does not take it kindly when His temple is defiled. Just take a look at Babylon and Rome for example.
- Always treat every woman with respect and honor. Be a true gentleman. This principle is imbibed in Matthew chapter 22 verse 37 to 39.
- If you find yourself unable to control these urges, get married and honor its sanctity. The first epistle of Paul to the Corinthians chapter 7 verse 2. Point 4 mentioned above should be of help.
- Don’t be disheartened even when you fail. When we confess our sins, He is just and faithful to forgive us. First epistle of John chapter 1 verse 9. God knows exactly how difficult it is for us to win/ flee each time and He loves us inspite of our sins which is why He sent Jesus to die in our stead. You may fail a thousand time perhaps, but God does not give up. You should not either.
- Pray and rely on the Holy Spirit who indwells you, every moment, one moment at a time. He will not fail
My dear fellow men, we live in a world that is constantly testing and tempting us. There is no escape from the trials of life itself. Jesus did not promise us an easy way when we chose to trust in Him as we walk in life. The Bible teaches that the narrow way will be tough when we see John chapter 15 verse 18 and 19 as well as the first epistle of Peter chapter 5 verse 8. He simply stated that our yoke will be lighter since he is bearing our yoke upon himself. He exchanged his yoke with us. What we then need to do is actively exercise our faith and trust in Jesus every moment of our life and let Him lead us to the end of this journey victoriously.
The choice will not be easy. It can even be painful and the consequences of a godly choice can be dangerous to your well being too. Trust in God and His wisdom. He is always right and He is always good.
The story did not end there for Samson. It is good news to all in despair and failure. When he repented and turned back to God. When he willingly brought himself right before God, God honoured him once again. He had to bear the consequences of his actions. He had to bear the destruction he brought about upon himself. His death was imminent. God's blessing was two fold. He found the courage and boldness to face the consequences. Samson was able to fulfil the purpose of his life by beginning the deliverance of Israel from oppression. God returned to him his supernatural strength so that he slew in one blow thousands among the Philistine royalty, thus beginning God's restoration of Israel once again.
You and I can still have hope. God can still redeem us. He can still help us endure the consequences of our bad choices. He can get us through them. He can still use us for His glory because His work can marvelously work through and inspite of our failures and sins. As I said before, God's ways are way more mysterious than we can comprehend. Never lose hope my dear brother.
(if you who read this are a believer yourself, then I sincerely seek your prayers for me that I may have the grace to faithfully endure in this lifelong battle myself. I fear every day that I might condemn myself by my own hands as I put this up but still do in the hope that someone may find it helpful in their walk through life.)
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